Friday 27 September 2013


All Time Great Science Quotes Images Free Download

All Time Great Science Quotes Images Free Download

More Images After This Break....

1. The most beautiful experience
we can have is the mysterious - the
fundamental emotion which stands
at the cradle of true art and true
Albert Einstein
2. I have not failed. I’ve
successfully discovered 10,000
things that won’t work.
Thomas Edison
3. The most exciting phrase to
hear in science, the one that
heralds new discoveries, is not
Eureka! (I found it!) but rather,
"hmm.... that's funny...."
Isaac Asimov
4. The important thing in science
is not so much to obtain new facts
as to discover new ways of
thinking about them.
Sir William Bragg
5. Science is facts; just as houses
are made of stone, so is science
made of facts; but a pile of stones
is not a house, and a collection of
facts is not necessarily science.
Jules Henri Poincaré
6. The beginning of wisdom is
found in doubting; by doubting we
come to the question, and by
seeking we may come upon the
Pierre Abelard

7. When we try to pick out
anything by itself, we find it is tied
to everything else in the universe.
John Muir
8. The scientist does not study
nature because it is useful; he
studies it because he delights in it,
and he delights in it because it is
beautiful. If nature were not
beautiful, it would not be worth
knowing, and if nature were not
worth knowing, life would not be
worth living.
Jules Henri Poincaré
9. Every honest researcher I know
admits he's just a professional
amateur. He's doing whatever he's
doing for the first time. That makes
him an amateur. He has sense
enough to know that he's going to
have a lot of trouble, so that makes
him a professional.
Charles Franklin Kettering
10. [Science is] a great game. It is
inspiring and refreshing. The
playing field is the universe itself.
Isidor Isaac Rabi
11. Genius is one percent
inspiration and ninety-nine percent
Thomas Edison
12. Research is to see what
everybody else has seen, and to
think what nobody else has
Albert Szent-Györgi
13. In science it often happens
that scientists say, "You know
that's a really good argument; my
position is mistaken," and then
they actually change their minds
and you never hear that old view
from them again. They really do
it. It doesn't happen as often as it
should, because scientists are
human and change is sometimes
painful. But it happens every day.
Carl Sagan
14. An experiment is a question
which science poses to Nature, and
a measurement is the recording of
Nature's answer.
Max Planck
15. Equipped with his five senses,
man explores the universe around
him and calls the adventure
Edwin Powell Hubble
16. Nature composes some of her
loveliest poems for the microscope
and the telescope.
Theodore Roszak
17. Science does not know its debt
to imagination.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
18. Men love to wonder, and that
is the seed of science.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
19. The scientist is not a person
who gives the right answers, he's
one who asks the right questions.
Claude Lévi-Strauss
20. Anyone who has never made a
mistake has never tried anything
Albert Einstein
21. My mother made me a
scientist without ever intending to.
Every other Jewish mother in
Brooklyn would ask her child after
school, "So? Did you learn
anything today?" But not my
mother. "Izzy," she would say,
"did you ask a good question
today?" That difference - asking
good questions - made me become
a scientist.
Isidor Isaac Rabi
22. Science may set limits to
knowledge, but should not set
limits to imagination.
Bertrand Russell
23. Imagination is more important
than knowledge. Albert Einstein
24. He who asks is a fool for five
minutes, but he who does not ask
remains a fool forever.
Chinese proverb
25. Science, in the very act of
solving problems, creates more of
Abraham Flexner

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